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How to Work On Your Game When Golf Courses Are Closed

By Ruchi M 0 comments

You did it — you finally made some critical improvements to your golf game. But, of course, you took these massive strides at the end of the golf season.


As winter temps hit (not to mention the current virus issue), you’re left at home, wondering how to keep the momentum going. In a matter of days, you could lose all of that confidence. On the other hand, maybe your golf game needs a lot of work. Perhaps you’ve been struggling on the course, and you needed a few more rounds to work on your craft.

Whatever the case may be, a closed golf course is never a good thing.

As you know, great men are not born great; they grow great; you owe it to yourself to work on some things. While courses may be shut down and boarded up for winter and the lockdowns, there are still tons of ways to sharpen your skills and practice good golf habits.

Keep reading to learn tips, tricks, and useful products you can utilize to work on your game from the comfort of your own home.

Hit Up the Driving Range

While courses are closed, some driving ranges may still be open. If you live in extreme temps, this may not be an option for you. But as many courses around the country shut down, you may still have some options.

Be sure to do some research in your local area.

Keep an eye out for driving range facilities instead of a range attached to a golf course. These tend to stay open year-round if weather permits.

Learn More About the Game

Sometimes you simply need to learn more about golf to make some key improvements.

As this game can be frustrating, confusing, and stress-inducing, it’s still a game you love. That said, you owe it to yourself to learn more about the sport.

Do you know what the inside of a golf ball looks like?

Do you know what should happen to a golf ball upon striking it?

Do you know the right trajectory for your ball, or what kind of divot you should be taking out?

These are all crucial questions in the game.

Answering these and understanding more about golf can help you take strides in the right direction.

If you’ve always been confused about how golf works and why a ball does what it does, this approach can be valuable. After gaining this valuable knowledge, you’ll be ready to battle it out with your foes during the next round.

But remember, never let anyone know what you’re thinking.

Try a Putt-Putt Course

While the real golf course may be closed, a putt-putt course could be a decent alternative.

If you have a struggling putting game or you just want to maintain your two-putt routine, go ahead and give these courses a try. Most of these facilities are located outdoors, but there are also many indoor establishments.

Do some online research to find some options in your area. Going to a miniature golf course certainly isn’t the same as hitting the links with the buddies, but it’ll do for now.

After all, taking this approach could lead to drastically improving your putting, which, you know, is vital in the game of golf.

Another benefit is that your entire family can join. That is an excellent opportunity to spend time with the ones you care about most.

After all, a man who doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man.

Work On Your Slice

Hitting a slice is one of the most common flaws in a golfer.

You swing, make nice contact, but your ball sprays 100 feet to the right.


Now you’re dodging deer and hunting around to find your ball. While the courses are closed, you can still work on this crucial area of your game.

One easy way to work on improving your slice involves practicing with an exaggerated movement. As most players hit a slice because they swing the club from out to in on the downswing, you’ll want to practice in the other direction.

Start by grabbing a club and golf ball, then place a chair or anything else with a flat surface a few feet behind your ball and just outside the path of your swing.

As you begin your golf swing, only bring the club back at quarter-speed.

Continue the backswing until you get to hip-height and when the toe of the club almost brushes the chair.

On your downswing, maintain the same speed and keep the club as far away from the chair as possible.

This drill can help you narrow down the right swing plane and eliminate that pesky slice.

Master Iron Compression

Especially for those new to golf, and some who aren’t, compressing your irons effectively can be very challenging.

In fact, a lot of golfers don’t even know what it means. When it comes to successful iron shots, distance and compression go hand-in-hand. To boost your distance, you’ll want to learn how to compress the ball by controlling the low point of your swing.

One drill to help with this involves grabbing an iron, golf ball and using some common areas of your home.

Find a room or spot in your residence with a seam. A solid area is where your carpet meets the wood floor. If this isn’t available, make a seam with a towel or doormat.

Once you found your spot, start by placing the ball on the seam and set up the seam in the middle of your stance.

As you bring the club back slowly, keep your weight on your front leg.

While you continue your back swing, focus on keeping your weight on your lead leg until you reach the top.

As you’re making your downswing, feel yourself shift into that same side.

You’ll probably feel the effects without even swinging through the impact point.

This drill helps improve weight distribution and keep you from swinging off the ball.

Over time, this at-home practice can lead to having more control of your swing’s low point for better compression and better shots.

Try The Golfather Products

Here at The Golfather, we know a thing or two about playing the game.

We also know how miserable it can be stuck at home, thinking about that birdie chance you had months ago when the courses were open.

It’s time to forget about it and move on. After all, you can still make drastic improvements to your game from the comfort of your home.

Check out these Golfather products designed for at-home golf practice:

Golf Putt Trainer

Our Golf Putt Trainer can help you narrow down your putting game.

Digital Swing Trainer

Our high-tech Digital Swing Trainer supplies detailed metrics to improve your swing.

Indoor Putting Mat

Gather the whole family and became a two-putt pro with our Indoor Putting Mat.

Golf Practice Carpet

Our Golf Practice Carpet is built with unique features that can take your putting to another level.

Power Swing Training Bag

From taking out anger to actually working on your swing, our Power Swing Training Bag can help.

Golf Putting Swing Trainer

Our Golf Putting Swing Trainer is an innovative device that can help you control putts with ease.

The Golfather is always here with tips, advice, and exceptional products to take your golf game to new heights.

Choose one of our advanced training devices today to lower your scores in just days.

Sounds like an offer you can’t refuse?

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